Dragi akvarelisti,
Najprej se vam najlepše zahvaljujemo za vaše zanimanje za 5. festival akvarela Castra 2023.
V navodilih piše, da je danes zadnji dan za prijavo, vendar se je žirija na željo nekaterih zainteresiranih avtorjev odločila podaljšati rok.
– Novi rok za prijavo je 29. april.
– Žirija bo izbrane umetnike na razstavo obvestila po 7. maju.
– O novih rokih za pošiljanje originalnih likovnih del vas bomo obvestili po 7. maju po e-pošti.
Hvala za vaše razumevanje.
Dear artists,
First, thank you so much for your interest in the 5th watercolour festival Castra 2023.
In the instructions it says that today is the last day for applying, however, the jury decided to extend the deadline on the petition of some interested artists.
– The new deadline for applying for Castra 2023 is April 29th.
– The jury will inform the selected artists for the exhibition after May 7th.
– We will inform you about the new deadlines for sending your original artwork in the email after May 7th.
Thank you for your comprehension.