Arhivi Kategorije: Novice in obvestila

International Festival of watercolor Castra 2017


The contest Castra 2017 is open to all artists, in all watercolour techniques.

  1. Every author can apply to this exhibition via email with four photos of their watercolours. The quality of the photos should not be smaller than 2 M pixels and not bigger than 3 M pixels. Photos should be sent by May 7th, 2017.
  2. The jury will acknowledge the authors by May 12th, 2017.

Selected authors

  1. The signed works should be sent by a registered air-mail as PRINTED MATTER in a simple package, without frame or passe-partout, declaring »NO COMMERCIAL VALUE« and »PRINT«, before June 2nd, to:


Prešernova 15

5270 Ajdovščina


  1. The watercolour paper size must not be bigger than 50×70 cm and not less than 15×21 cm.

Mandatory dates attached in the shipment (see the table below):

  • Author’s name and last name:
  • Exact adress:
  • E-mail:
  • Title of the work:
  • Work’s dimensions:
  • Date of the work (max. 2 years old):
  1. Along with the properly filled in membership form, a “Curriculum Vitae” should accompany the works, including name, artist’s date of birth, as well as the corresponding fee.
    If you are a resident of Slovenia, the fee is 35 EUR.
    If you are a resident of the EU, the fee is 55 EUR.

If you are not a resident of the EU, the fee is 65 EUR or 70 USD.

Please, make the payment via Bank Transfer to Lokarjeva gallery account:
The name of the addressee on the bank account:


Vilharjeva 38

5270 Ajdovščina


Iban: SI56 0444 4000 3138 736


(bank: “Nova KBM d.d.”)

This fee gives the right to receive the catalogue of the corresponding edition.

  1. The Jury will select the works to be exhibited, the names of the accepted artists will be published on our web site (Castra 2017)
  2. The Jury will select 7 winning watercolours by the end of May and will acknowledge the winners about the award.

The first prize  – 1200 EUR

Second prize   –  900 EUR

Third prize       – 700 EUR

Fourth prize     – 600 EUR

Fifth prize        – 500 EUR

Sixth prize       – Solo exhibition at the Lokar Gallery

Under the Slovenian legislation, the prizes have a 25 % tax. The winning watercolours will remain to the organizer regardless the price. Besides the prizes, the jury will also issue seven diplomas.

  1. The exhibition in Ajdovščina will be open from August 25th to September 30th.
  2. The catalog will be sent to artists along with their watercolour.
  3. The Lokarjeva Gallery reserves the rights to reproduce and exhibit any work accepted, for promotional or cultural purposes.
  4. Although all works will be handled with maximum care, the Lokarjeva Gallery will assume no responsibility for any damage or loss that may occur. The works that do not adhere exactly to these rules, will not be sent back.
  5. Participation in the exhibition implies the acceptance of the above conditions.