Arhivi Kategorije: Castra

Information about selecting watercolour works for Mini Castra 2018

The professional committee will gather tomorrow, Monday 7th, to qualify all received watercolour works.
The list of the selected authors will be published on Tuesday on this website, as well as on Facebook fan pages of Lokarjeva galerija ( and IWS Slovenia (  
From Wednesday to Friday, each selected author will also receive a confirmation email along with all information about the participation.

Thank you!



(Scroll down for Spanish and Slovenian version. / Desplazarse hacia abajo para versión en español y esloveno. / Za špansko in slovensko verzijo se pomaknite navzdol.)


The festival is open for all artists in all watercolour techniques.

  1. An artist can apply via email to by sending maximum FOUR PHOTOS of the watercolour works in .jpg format. The size of the watercolour without passepartout should not be larger than 21 x 29.7 cm (8.3 x 11.7 in) or smaller than 14,8 x 21,0 cm (5.8 x 8.3 in), maximum 2 years old (from 2016). The quality of the photos cannot be smaller than 2 M pixels or larger than 3 M pixels. The photos should be sent by April 30th, 2018.
  1. The professional committee will inform the selected artists by May 7th, 2018. All selected artists will then receive written instructions about how to send the watercolour works and how to pay the participation. The participation fees for Mini Castra 2018 are the following: for citizens of countries of the European Union 40 EUR, for citizens of other countries 45 EUR or 50 USD. For every selected author, the fee includes the exhibition at the gallery, the catalogue, and return of the watercolours.
  1. By the end of May, the professional committee will choose five awarded watercolours and publish the winners on the Mini Castra 2018 official web site and Lokarjeva galerija Facebook fan page (

1st prize    – 500 EUR

2nd prize   – 400 EUR

3rd prize    – 350 EUR

4th prize    – 300 EUR

5th prize    – 250 EUR


El festival está abierto para todos los artistas que trabajan en todas las técnicas de la acuarela.

  1. El artista puede aplicar a través del correo electrónico a enviando hasta CUATRO FOTOGRAFÍAS de sus obras en acuarela en el formato .jpg. El tamaño de la acuarela sin passepartout no debe ser mayor de 21 x 29.7 cm (8.3 x 11.7 in) o menor de 14,8 x 21,0 cm (5.8 x 8.3 in), hecha no más de hace 2 años (desde 2016). La calidad de las fotografías no debe ser menor de 2 M pixeles o mayor de 3 M pixeles. Las fotos deberán ser enviadas hasta el día 30 de abril de 2018.
  1. El comité profesional informará a los artistas seleccionados para exponer en la galería Lokar hasta el día 7 de mayo de 2018, enviándoles instrucciones escritas acerca de cómo enviar sus obras en acuarela y cómo cubrir la cuota de participación. Las cuotas de participación para Mini Castra 2018 son las siguientes: para los ciudadanos de los países de la Unión Europea 40 EUR, para los ciudadanos de otros países 45 EUR o 50 USD. Para cada autor seleccionado, la cuota incluye la exhibición en la galería Lokar, el catálogo y retorno de las obras por correo postal.
  1. Hasta los finales de mayo, el comité profesional seleccionará cinco acuarelas premiadas y publicará los nombres de los premiados en la página oficial del festival Mini Castra 2018 y en la página de Facebook de Lokarjeva galerija (

1er premio    – 500 EUR

2do premio   – 400 EUR

3er premio    – 350 EUR

4to premio    – 300 EUR

5to premio    – 250 EUR


Mednarodni festival Mini Castra 2018  je odprt za vse umetnike in v vseh tehnikah akvarela.

  1. Vsak avtor se lahko na razstavo prijavi preko elektronske pošte na z največ ŠTIRIMI FOTOGRAFIJAMI svojih akvarelov v formatu .jpg. Velikost akvarelnega papirja brez paspartuja ne sme biti večja od A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) ali manjša od A5 (14,8 x 21,0 cm), stara največ 2 leti (iz leta 2016). Kakovost fotografij ne sme biti manjša od 2 M pixels ali večja od 3 M pixels. Fotografije se morajo poslati najkasneje do 30. aprila 2018.
  1. Žirija bo sprejete avtorje na razstavo obvestila do 7. maja 2018. Vsi sprejeti avtorji bodo takrat prejeli tudi pisna navodila, kako poslati svoje akvarele in plačati participacijo. Participacija za Mini Castro 2018 znaša za slovenske državljane znaša 30 EUR, za državljane članic Evropske unije 40 EUR, za vse ostale države 45 EUR oz. 50 USD. Za vsakega sprejetega avtorja slednja zajema razstavo del v Lokarjevi galeriji, katalog in vračilo akvarelov po pošti.
  1. Do konca maja bo žirija izbrala pet zmagovalnih akvarelov in jih objavila na spletni strani Mini Castre 2018 ter Facebook strani Lokarjeve galerije (

Prva nagrada    – 500 EUR

Druga nagrada  – 400 EUR

Tretja nagrada  – 350 EUR

Četrta nagrada  – 300 EUR

Peta nagrada    – 250 EUR

Mednarodni festival akvarela Castra 2017

Mednarodni festival akvarela Castra 2017


 Natečaj Castra 2017  je odprt za vse umetnike in v vseh tehnikah akvarela.

  1. Vsak avtor se lahko na razstavo prijavi preko elektronske pošte na s štirimi fotografijami svojih akvarelov. Kakovost fotografij ne sme biti manjša od 2 M pixels ali večja od 3 M pixels. Fotografije originalnih akvarelov se morajo poslati najkasneje do 25. aprila 2017.
  2. Žirija bo sprejete avtorje obvestila do maja 2017.

Sprejeti avtorji

  1. Sprejeti podpisani akvareli se morajo poslati v navadni pošiljki ali tulcu brez okvirja ali paspartuja (s pripisom: print, ni komercialna vrednost) do maja na naslov:


             Prešernova 15

             5270 Ajdovščina


  1. Maksimalna velikost originalnih akvarelov ne sme biti večja od 50X70 cm ali manjša od 15×21 cm.

Obvezni podatki, ki morajo biti priloženi v pošiljki – glej prilogo:

  • Ime in priimek avtorja:
  • Točen naslov bivališča avtorja:
  • Elektronska pošta:
  • Naslov slike:
  • Dimenzija slike:
  • Letnica nastanka slike (max. starost 2 leti):
  1. Skupaj s pravilno izpolnjenim obrazcem/prijavo in originalnimi akvareli je treba priložiti tudi potrdilo o plačilu:
    Za slovenske državljane znaša 35 EUR.
    Za državljane članic EU znaša 55 EUR.

Za ostale države znaša 60 EUR ali 65 USD.
Plačilo se lahko izvede preko bančnega nakazila na račun Lokarjeve galerije.


Vilharjeva 38

5270 Ajdovščina


TRR: SI56 0444 4000 3138 736


  1. Žirija bo izbrana dela, ki bodo razstavljena in imena izbranih avtorjev objavila na spletni strani (Castra 2017)
  2. Do konca maja bo žirija izbrala 7 zmagovalnih akvarelov in avtorje obvestila o nagradi.

Prva nagrada    – 1.200 EUR

Druga nagrada  –    900 EUR

Tretja nagrada   –    800 EUR

Četrta nagrada  –     700 EUR

Peta nagrada     –    600 EUR

Šesta nagrada    –    500 EUR

Sedma nagrada  –    Samostojna razstava v Lokarjevi galeriji v letu 2018.

Nagrade so v bruto zneskih, nagrajena dela ostanejo organizatorju ne glede na višino prodajne cene.

Poleg nagrad bo komisija podelila tudi sedem diplom.

  1. Razstava v Ajdovščini bo odprta od avgusta – 30. septembra.
  2. Katalog se bo avtorjem poslal skupaj z njihovimi akvareli po zaključku razstave, najkasneje do 15. decembra 2017.
  3. Lokarjeva galerija si pridržuje pravico za razmnoževanje in razstavljanje vseh prejetih del za promocijske in kulturne namene.
  4. Z vsemi deli se bo ravnalo zelo previdno, vendar Lokarjeva galerija ne prevzema odgovornosti za poškodbe ali izgube, ki se lahko zgodijo med pošiljanjem pošiljke v Lokarjevo galerijo ali njihovim vračanjem avtorjem.
  5. Dela, ki ne bodo v skladu z vsemi razpisnimi pogoji, se ne bodo pošiljala nazaj.

International Festival of watercolor Castra 2017


The contest Castra 2017 is open to all artists, in all watercolour techniques.

  1. Every author can apply to this exhibition via email with four photos of their watercolours. The quality of the photos should not be smaller than 2 M pixels and not bigger than 3 M pixels. Photos should be sent by April 25th, 2017.
  2. The jury will acknowledge the authors by May 7th, 2017.

Selected authors

  1. The signed works should be sent by a registered air-mail as PRINTED MATTER in a simple package, without frame or passe-partout, declaring »NO COMMERCIAL VALUE« and »PRINT«, before May 22th, to:


Prešernova 15

5270 Ajdovščina


  1. The watercolour paper size must not be bigger than 50×70 cm and not less than 15×21 cm.

Mandatory dates attached in the shipment (see the table below):

  • Author’s name and last name:
  • Exact adress:
  • E-mail:
  • Title of the work:
  • Work’s dimensions:
  • Date of the work (max. 2 years old):
  1. Along with the properly filled in membership form, a “Curriculum Vitae” should accompany the works, including name, artist’s date of birth, as well as the corresponding fee.
    If you are a resident of Slovenia, the fee is 35 EUR.
    If you are a resident of the EU, the fee is 55 EUR.

If you are not a resident of the EU, the fee is 65 EUR or 70 USD.

Please, make the payment via Bank Transfer to Lokarjeva gallery account:
The name of the addressee on the bank account:


Vilharjeva 38

5270 Ajdovščina


Iban: SI56 0444 4000 3138 736


(bank: “Nova KBM d.d.”)

This fee gives the right to receive the catalogue of the corresponding edition.

  1. The Jury will select the works to be exhibited, the names of the accepted artists will be published on our web site (Castra 2017)
  2. The Jury will select 7 winning watercolours by the end of May and will acknowledge the winners about the award.

The first prize  – 1200 EUR

Second prize   –  900 EUR

Third prize       –  800 EUR

Fourth prize     –  700 EUR

Fifth prize        –  600 EUR

Sixth prize       –  500 EURUnder the Slovenian legislation, the prizes have a 25 % tax. The winning watercolours will remain to the organizer regardless the price. Besides the prizes, the jury will also issue seven diplomas.

  1. The exhibition in Ajdovščina will be open from August 25th to September 30th.
  2. The catalog will be sent to artists along with their watercolour.
  3. The Lokarjeva Gallery reserves the rights to reproduce and exhibit any work accepted, for promotional or cultural purposes.
  4. Although all works will be handled with maximum care, the Lokarjeva Gallery will assume no responsibility for any damage or loss that may occur. The works that do not adhere exactly to these rules, will not be sent back.
  5. Participation in the exhibition implies the acceptance of the above conditions.

The exhibition

Mini Castra 2016

The opening of the exhibition will be on Saturday, August 27th, at 6 pm in Lokarjeva Gallery Ajdovscina.

After the opening, the authors of the exhibited watercolour works are invited to Tilia Estate – House of Pinots in surroundings of Ajdovscina, where the winning works of the personally presented authors will be awarded.

The price of the snack and wine tasting per person is 10 EUR (children are free of pay). In order to avoid any kind of technical problems, we ask you to confirm your attendance as well as the number of attendees at the gourmet-wine tasting to


Mini Castra 2016 (SLO)

Otvoritev razstave bo v soboto, 27. 08. ob  18.00 uri v Lokarjevi galeriji v Ajdovščini.

Po otvoritvi so vsi navzoči avtorji razstavljenih akvarelov vabljeni na Posestvo Tilia – Hiša pinotov v bližnji okolici Ajdovščine, kjer bodo podeljene tudi nagrade vsem nagrajenim avtorjem akvarelov, ki bodo osebno navzoči na otvoritvi.

Cena prigrizka in degustacije je 10 EUR na osebo (otroci ne plačajo). V izogib vsem tehničnim problemom prosimo vse zainteresirane, da pravočasno potrdijo svojo udeležbo na gurmansko-vinski degustaciji.

Potrditev udeležbe in število oseb na degustaciji sporočite na:



Awards Mini Castra 2016

On Saturday, June 11th, it belonged to the commission and chose the prizes.

Awarded were the following artists:

1. prize: Lucijan Bratuš  (SLO), »Pejsaž 1«, 10,5×15 cm, 2014

2. prize: Megha Kapoor  (IN), »Divine everywhere«, 29×20 cm, 2016

3. prize: Pawel Gladkow  (PL), »Spring Bug River«, 29×12 cm, 2016

3. prize: Milena  Gregorčič  (SLO), »Linije  1«, 29×20 cm, 2016

3. prize: Lyle Dayman  (AUS), »City rain«, 29,5×21 cm, 2016

Mini Castra 2016 – The results of the jury


The list of accepted authors

  1. Aleksander J. Potočnik
  2. Alenka Vidrgar
  3. Amaryllis Siniossoglou
  4. Amit Kapoor
  5. Ana Undurraga
  6. Andrej Kosič
  7. Andreja Gregorič
  8. Anna Andreevskykh
  9. Biserka Komac
  10. Christina Tzani
  11. Claude Carretta
  12. Corneliu Dragan
  13. Dana Catona
  14. Dzhemal Akhmedov
  15. Eleni Voudourelli
  16. Enrique Alda
  17. Ewelina Kuczera
  18. Gairong Ji
  19. Harris Margaritis
  20. Irena Gajser
  21. Irena Jeras Dimovska
  22. Irene Pouliassi
  23. Jasminka Ćišić
  24. Jiang Xuqing
  25. Joanna Miskiewicz
  26. John Terdich
  27. Klavdija Marušič
  28. Lee Chin Chian
  29. Lhonoré Dominique
  30. Lucijan Bratuš
  31. Luka Popič
  32. Lyle Dayman
  33. Małgorzata Zagórska – Kowalewska
  34. Marie Theophilou
  35. Marta de Cambra
  36. Marta Frei
  37. Megha Kapoor
  38. Mica Flegar
  39. Milena Gregorčič
  40. Misha Kuznetsov
  41. Nancy Chang
  42. Nataša Tajnik Stupar
  43. Nicodim Sorin
  44. Olga Kharchenko
  45. Oto Vogrin
  46. Pablo Rubén López Sanz
  47. Pawel Gladkow
  48. Ramesh Jhawar
  49. Ruhiye Yalgın
  50. Rukiye Garip
  51. Simon Jugovic Fink
  52. Stane Petrovič-Čonč
  53. Tanja Špenko
  54. Tatyana Karpechenkova
  55. Tirnoveanu Reghina Maria
  56. Victoria Grigorieva
  57. Vinko Bogataj
  58. Vladimir Tuporshin
  59. Wilfredo Calderon
  60. Zdenka Vinšek
  61. Zoran Ogrinc
  62. Žarko Vrezec

Rules for MINI Castra 2016

Open to all artists, in all watercolour techniques.

1. Every author can apply to this exhibition via email with two photos of their watercolours. The quality of the photos should not be smaller than 2 M pixels and not bigger than 3 M pixels. Photos should be sent by April 28th, 2016.

2. The jury will acknowledge the authors by May 14th, 2016.

Selected authors

3. The signed works should be sent by a registered air-mail as PRINTED MATTER in a simple package, without frame or passe-partout, declaring “NO COMMERCIAL VALUE”, before May 20th, to:


Prešernova 15

5270 Ajdovščina


4. The watercolour paper size must not be bigger than A4 ( 210 × 297 mm / 27 × 11.7 in ) and not less than A5 ( 148 × 210 mm /  5.83 × 8.27 in ).

Mandatory dates attached in the shipment (see the table below):

  • Author’s name and last name:
  • Exact adress:
  • E-mail:
  • Title of the work:
  • Work’s dimensions:
  • Date of the work (max. 2 years old):

5. Along with the properly filled in membership form, a “Curriculum Vitae” should accompany the works, including name, artist’s date of birth, as well as the corresponding fee.
If you are a resident of Slovenia, the fee is 30 EUR.
If you are a resident of the EU, the fee is 40 EUR.

If you are not a resident of the EU, the fee is 45 EUR or 50 USD.

Please, make the payment via Bank Transfer to DLUSP (Lokarjeva Gallery’s) account:
The name of the addressee on the bank account:


Vilharjeva 38

5270 Ajdovščina


Iban: SI56 0475 0000 0539 953


(bank: “Nova KBM d.d.”)

This fee gives the right to receive the catalogue of the corresponding edition.

6. The Jury will select the works to be exhibited, the names of the accepted artists will be published on our web site (Mini Castra 2016)

7. The Jury will select 5 winning watercolours by the end of May and will acknowledge the winners about the award.

The first prize  – 500 EUR

Second prize   – 300 EUR

Third prize       – 200 EUR

Fourth prize     – 200 EUR

Fifth prize        – 200 EUR

8. The exhibition in Ajdovščina will be open from August 26th to September 16th. The Lokarjeva Gallery will be open for visitors from 10.00 to 18.00, every day except Mondays.

9. Each awarded artist will be able to participate at the next Mini Castra 2018 without participation payment.

10. The catalog will be sent to artists along with their watercolour.

11. If artists are interested in selling their work, they are welcome to send us the price.

12. The Lokarjeva Gallery reserves the rights to reproduce and exhibit any work accepted, for promotional or cultural purposes.

13. Although all works will be handled with maximum care, the Lokarjeva Gallery will assume no responsibility for any damage or loss that may occur. The works that do not adhere exactly to these rules, will not be sent back.

14. Participation in the exhibition implies the acceptance of the above conditions.