Castra 2019 – rezultati nagrad / results of the awards


V drugem krogu 3. mednarodnega festivala akvarela Castra 2019 je strokovna žirija, ki so jo sestavljali umetnostni zgodovinarji in likovni kritiki Aleksander Bassin, predsednik žirije, dr. Nelida Nemec in Barbara Savenc ter slikarji Lucijan Bratuš, Azad Karim, Vladimir Bačič in Tea Curk Sorta izbrala šest nagrajencev in dvanajst diplom.



In the second round of the III. international watercolour festival Castra 2019, the professional committee composed of art historians and art critics Aleksander Bassin, the representative of the committee, dr. Nelida Nemec and Barbara Savenc, and artists Lucijan Bratuš, Azad Karim, Vladimir Bačič and Tea Curk Sorta awarded the following prizes and diplomas:


  1. nagrada / 1st prize – “Prague” by Fatemeh Zahab Saniei (Iran)
  2. nagrada / 2nd prize – “En la marisma” by Marene Lasagabaster (Spain)
  3. nagrada / 3rd prize – “Diálogo” by Conchi Ororbia (Spain)
  4. nagrada / 4th prize – “The tower of Mihail, Bratislava” by Corneliu Dragan-Targoviste (Romania)
  5. nagrada / 5th prize – “Umorno jutro” by Živko Toplak (Croatia)
  6. nagrada / 6th prize – “Iz zbirke Dotiki“ by Žarko Vrezec (Slovenia)

Diplome / diplomas:

·         Ze Ze Lai (Hong Kong)
·         Catherine Rey (France)
·         Goran Žigolić (Croatia)
·         Hanna Chapurnaja-Aleinik (Belarus)
·         Juan Saturio Santos (Spain)
·         Julia Aksenova Sergeevna (Russia)
·         Junsung Back (South Korea)
·         Magdalena Kalieva (Bulgaria)
·         Nai Mu Ko (Taiwan (R.O.C.))
·         Olga Lebedeva (Russia)
·         Roman Planko (Slovenia)
·         Silva Karim (Slovenia)


Čestitke nagrajencem, sodelujočim pa velika zahvala za lepa dela! / Congratulations to the awarded artists, and a big thank to all participants for their beautiful works!

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